Get Ignited: Stacy Taubman

Very few people think of abstract algebra when they describe what helps them in business. But Stacy Taubman does, and as a result, her approach to business and life is refreshing, interesting and distinctive. Some of Taubman’s best business ideas have hatched using the skills she developed mastering math—allowing her [...]

Get Ignited: Stacy Taubman 2023-04-29T15:18:45+00:00

Get Ignited: Stacy Stahl

I’ve always admired someone who can dream up and launch one creative idea after another. One of my favorite entrepreneurs is Stacy Stahl. Fresh out of college, she created a website to share proposal stories. Before she knew it, she was leading a company and transforming an industry. Still just [...]

Get Ignited: Stacy Stahl 2023-04-25T22:22:20+00:00