The Honest Truth: Gratitude and Goals

The second edition of our new column in Town & Style magazine. I collaborated again with the brilliant Jill Farmer, a once Emmy-award winning journalist and now a sought-after speaker and coach, to address the subject of gratitude. In one case, we consider the importance of taking the time to express earnest gratitude in a busy world. [...]

The Honest Truth: Gratitude and Goals 2018-09-28T22:17:10+00:00

The Honest Truth

Our new column in Town & Style magazine. What fun it is to collaborate with the brilliant Jill Farmer — once an Emmy-award winning journalist and now a sought-after speaker and coach. In this column we address what's in a name. In one case, we consider how to respond when your coworker asks you to change your [...]

The Honest Truth 2018-07-08T19:50:14+00:00

How 3 Seconds Changed Everything

What’s the dream you never thought you could fulfill? Often, we surrender our dreams to “I can’t” or “I wish.” This mindset lives beneath the surface and perhaps hinders us more than we realize. We accept the idea of impossibility rather than pursue our wildest dreams. It reminds me of the story of [...]

How 3 Seconds Changed Everything 2019-01-05T07:02:13+00:00