The Honest Truth: Speak Your Mind

In our fourth edition of "The Honest Truth" in Town & Style magazine, we explore how to confront often-sticky situations. Emmy-award winning journalist Jill Farmer and I share our thoughts on hosting intimate events in the social media era, as well as how to move on as a client. Thanks for reading and for making it [...]

The Honest Truth: Speak Your Mind 2019-01-05T07:03:13+00:00

The Honest Truth: Gratitude and Goals

The second edition of our new column in Town & Style magazine. I collaborated again with the brilliant Jill Farmer, a once Emmy-award winning journalist and now a sought-after speaker and coach, to address the subject of gratitude. In one case, we consider the importance of taking the time to express earnest gratitude in a busy world. [...]

The Honest Truth: Gratitude and Goals 2018-09-28T22:17:10+00:00

Women belong in the House, the Senate and the C-Suite

Revlon appointed Debra Perelman as its first female CEO in the company’s history on May 23, 2018. Perelman, the daughter of majority owner Ronald Perelman, worked for Revlon for 20 years before she was offered the CEO position. Even in an industry that caters predominately to women, Perelman, as a [...]

Women belong in the House, the Senate and the C-Suite 2018-08-01T17:54:46+00:00

The Honest Truth

Our new column in Town & Style magazine. What fun it is to collaborate with the brilliant Jill Farmer — once an Emmy-award winning journalist and now a sought-after speaker and coach. In this column we address what's in a name. In one case, we consider how to respond when your coworker asks you to change your [...]

The Honest Truth 2018-07-08T19:50:14+00:00

Dazzle Audiences with Substance, Sizzle & Soul

Wanna up your sizzle factor? Speaking with substance, sizzle & soul is the key to making a successful presentation—according to Dr. Kathy Cramer. Most people focus on substance and forget all about sizzle & soul. Substance or content is a necessary but not sufficient element when it comes to your impact. In other [...]

Dazzle Audiences with Substance, Sizzle & Soul 2018-06-22T04:21:48+00:00

From Womb to Salon

As I started working for Beth this summer I was really excited because she is a amazing woman that I have looked up to in my life, as a role model, a successful business woman and mother to two young girls. I have always loved the vivacious and passionate way [...]

From Womb to Salon 2018-06-22T12:09:08+00:00